Co-co Toolkit

The Co-co Toolkit for co-creation is used to develop and communicate complex situations and discover new innovative solutions. The toolkit uses a canvas and cards through which a story is developed. The cards consist of stakeholder cards (customer, service supplier, actors and stakeholder), results and aimed outcomes, physical and virtual places and action and behaviour. The toolkit helps an organisation, a company or a city to spot the challenges and redesign their service together with a customer.

Format WorkshopTimeframe 1.5-2 hoursGroup Size 5Facilitation Level AdvancedRequired Materials CoCo Cosmos Playing Board & corresponding material included in the toolkit


  • Prepare a scenario which will be tackled in the workshop. The scenario would ideally address one problem of an organisation.
  • Prepare the playing board and position the cards in their respective groups.
  • Ask the participants to define the stakeholders involved in the activity - define the customer, a service supplier and write down any other stakeholders relevant within the situation
  • With the use of Action and Behaviour cards, start outlining the process. Define where the process would happen and what the result of the process would be.


With the toolkit, you can re-design your product or service with your users.


  • At the end of the workshop, ask one person from the group to explain the process and capture their explanation on video.
  • Note: this tool needs to be used with a facilitator. You can get in touch with the tool developers to hire a trained facilitator for your session
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