

During a citizen sensing campaign, participants become involved in data collection, analysis and sharing. The Data Discussion Sheet can help participants to discuss the technology used, the data collected, data ownership and privacy concerns, and what other data they would like to collect. It helps to articulate concerns and fosters opportunities for data awareness and decision-making. This tool can also help facilitators to frame the rest of the awareness phase by revealing gaps and opportunities for learning.

Format MethodTimeframe < 2 hGroup Size AllFacilitation Level MediumRequired Materials Data Discussion Sheet, Post-it notes, markers


  • Divide participants into groups of four or five. Hand each group a Data Discussion Sheet, Post-it notes and markers.
  • The first ten minutes are earmarked for participants to brainstorm ideas on their own, addressing each theme individually. Ask them to write their ideas on Post-it notes.
  • The next thirty minutes are dedicated to group discussion, and ask each participant to share their ideas with the group. Each group then works collaboratively to cluster ideas under each theme in order to decide on a collective position.
  • In a final round, have the groups present their themes to everyone, sharing what they have learned from the data, the issues encountered, their position regarding data ownership, and whether they would like to collect other data to strengthen their findings.


There are always vital questions to be considered when people contribute to or work with data. The Data Discussion Sheet enables participants to discuss and reflect on who owns the data, how it should be stored, managed and shared, and what we can learn from it.


Keep in mind the following guiding question while implementing this method: 1) What have we learned from the data? 2)Has the data collection process revealed tensions around accuracy, privacy, and management? 3) Who owns the data, and how should it be stored, managed and shared?