

If you are looking to develop a long-term strategy for change, which may involve multiple measurement activities and many communities, it is particularly helpful to go through a period of reflection to identify what worked well, and what could be improved. A simple questionnaire is a great way to get anonymous feedback on the strengths and weaknesses of the project. This can become especially useful if paired with a pre-project questionnaire: together, these can help you assess whether the project had any personal impact on the participants by gauging their responses before and after.

Format MethodTimeframe < 1hGroup Size AllFacilitation Level LowRequired Materials Pen and paper, questionnaire form


  • Ask the participants about their personal hopes and aspirations in relation to the project. At the end, check back to see if they were met. Why are they taking part? What do they hope to learn?
  • It is useful to ask the same questions about the project. Find out what they hope to achieve with their efforts, and even what worries or unease they feel in relation to the campaign issue and the way the project has unfolded.
  • If there is a coordinating team leading the project, feedback on their activities will also be very useful for constant, iterative improvement. Questions about the organisation and team members can also be complemented with enquiries about suitability of venues, meeting times and their frequency.
  • Consider your next steps. How might you improve? Given what the participants now know, how might they improve the experience? After reflecting on all the positives and negatives of the project, applying some future-forward positive thinking can help make all the difference to the next iteration of activities.


Questionnaires encourage community members to share their experiences and ideas about the problem. In turn, their feedback can help you reflect on the campaign thus far, and gain insight for future iterations and activities.


Keep in mind the following guiding questions while implementing this method: 1) what did you learn?; 2) What dis you wish you had learned?; 3) What went well, and what did not?
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